Many young adults 'fail to launch' and suffer from anxiety and depression because they are so focused on tests, assignments, and graduation requirements that they never learn the crucial skills and habits for creating a happy & successful life... ...skills that aren't picked up automatically but have to be intentionally taught.

ONLY $599 $399 OR 3 PAYMENTS OF $147

Live Online Class for Teens
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 11:30 am ET

Class Starts January 6, 2022

"Our son has loved, loved, loved the class you are doing with the teens!"

"Good men are priceless. And I want my boys to grow up and become good men. Good examples and strong values and teaching are so important. Thanks Mr. Denning, for being a 'good man' "

    1. A message from Mr. Denning

    2. *** Link to Attend Live Classes ***

    3. Curriculum and Reading Schedule

    4. Printable Reading Schedule with Note Taking Pages to Print

    5. Books to Read: Courage is Calling; 12 Rules for Life; 13 Things Mentally Strong People DON'T Do; Stillness is the Key

    1. Jan 6: Class Intro, Get to Know You

    2. Jan 11: An Invitation To Pain of Learning

    3. Jan 13: Courage is Calling -- The Four Virtues

    4. Jan 18: 12 Rules for Life -- Forward & Rule #1: Stand Up Straight

    5. Jan 20: Courage is Calling -- Fear: All Growth is a Leap; Don't Fear Decisions; the Scariest Thing is to Be Yourself

    6. Jan 25: 12 Rules for Life -- Rule #2: Treat Yourself Like Someone You're Responsible for Helping

    7. Jan 27: Courage is Calling -- pgs 101-151: The Call We Answer; Preparations Make You Brave; Start Somewhere, Do Something; Fortune Favors the Bold

    8. Feb 1: 12 Rules for Life -- Rule #3: Make Friends With People Who Want the Best for You

    9. Feb 3: Courage is Calling pg 152-199 -- The Courage to Commit; Agency is Taken, Not Given; Do Your Job; When You Rise Above Yourself

    10. Feb 8: 12 Rules for Life -- Rule #4: Compare Yourself to Who You Were Yesterday, Not Who Someone is Today

    11. Feb 10: Courage is Calling pg 200-240 -- Going Beyond the Call; You Must Go Through the Wilderness; You Make Your Own Luck; Inspire Through Fearlessness

    12. Feb 15: 12 Rules for Life -- Rule #5: Do Not Let Your Children do Anything That Makes You Dislike Them

    13. Feb 17: Courage is Calling pg 241-275 -- The Audacity of Hope; Courage is Virtue. Virtue is Courage

    1. Feb 22: 12 Rules For Life -- Rule #6: Set Your House in Perfect Order Before You Criticize the World

    2. Feb 24: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do --Intro & Ch 1: What is Mental Strength? Don't Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Yourself

    3. March 1: 12 Rules For Life -- Rule #7: Pursue What is Meaningful (Not What is Expedient)

    4. March 3 Discussion w/ Devon

    5. March 8: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do -- Ch 2 & 3: Don't Give Away Your Power or Shy Away from Change

    6. March 10: 12 Rules For Life -- Rule #8: Tell the Truth -- or At Least Don't Lie

    7. March 17: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do --Ch 4: Don't Focus on What You Can't Control

    8. March 22: 12 Rules For Life -- Rule #9: Assume that the Person You're Listening to Might Know Something You Dont'

    9. March 24: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do -- Ch 5: Don't Worry About Pleasing Everyone

    10. March 29: 12 Rules For Life -- Rule #10: Be Precise in Your Speech

    11. March 31: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do -- Ch 6 & 7: Don't Fear Taking Calculated Risks or Dwell on the Past

    12. April 5: 12 Rules For Life -- Rule #11: Do Not Bother Children When They Are Skateboarding

    13. April 7: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do -- Don't Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over

    14. April 12: 12 Rules For Life -- Rule #12: Pet a Cat When You Encounter One on the Street

    15. April 14: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do -- Don't Resent Other People's Success

    1. April 19: Stillness is The Key -- The Domain of the Mind; Become Present; Limit Your Inputs; Start Journaling; Cultivate Silence

    2. April 21: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do -- Don't Give Up After the First Failure

    3. April 26: Stillness is The Key -- Seek Wisdom; Find Confidence, Avoid Ego; The Domain of the Soul; Choose Virtue; Beware Desire; Enough

    4. April 28: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do -- Don't Fear Alone Time

    5. May 3: Stillness is The Key -- Bathe in Beauty; Accept a Higher Power; Conquer Your Anger; All is One

    6. May 5: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do -- Don't Feel the World Owes You Anything

    7. May 10: Stillness is The Key -- The Domain of the Body; Say No; Seek Solitude; Be a Human BEING; Go to Sleep; Beware Escapism; Act Bravely

    8. May 12: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do -- Don't Expect Immediate Results

    1. Did you enjoy this class?

About this course

  • $397.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 36.5 hours of video content

The MOST Important Class or Subject Your Teen Will Ever Take is NOT an Academic Subject Like Reading, Writing, Science, or Math...

Let them skip math, science, or writing, but DO NOT let them miss out on learning these CRITICAL life skills which prevent failure to launch and contribute to long-term happiness and fulfillment.

PLUS teens thrive with the influence of a 'non-parent' adult who is a role model. Sign up now for this LIVE online class with a mentor you can TRUST and who shares your values.


Abbi Van Komen

5 star rating

“This class changed my life! I have much better personal habits and I feel like I was given the keys to having a totally epic future. Mr. Denning was great at pushing us out of our comfort zones, while still being encouraging and supportive. Five s...”

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“This class changed my life! I have much better personal habits and I feel like I was given the keys to having a totally epic future. Mr. Denning was great at pushing us out of our comfort zones, while still being encouraging and supportive. Five stars are not enough to sum up how amazing and life-changing this class truly was!”

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Madelyn Stolle

5 star rating

“This class has been amazing!!! It has helped me realize that I can change, and taught me how to implement daily habits to help me progress. Through this class, I have learned how I have the power to choose the direction of my life, and it has help...”

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“This class has been amazing!!! It has helped me realize that I can change, and taught me how to implement daily habits to help me progress. Through this class, I have learned how I have the power to choose the direction of my life, and it has helped me choose success!!!”

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Drew and Daisie Dalton

5 star rating

“If you are even kind of considering taking this class, I would whole heartedly tell you to take it. I would take it again in a heartbeat. It is a LIFE CHANGER. This class really helps you focus in on life and Greg just drops advice for you now and...”

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“If you are even kind of considering taking this class, I would whole heartedly tell you to take it. I would take it again in a heartbeat. It is a LIFE CHANGER. This class really helps you focus in on life and Greg just drops advice for you now and the future left and right. IT'S THE BEST! The books we read are amazing and are must reads. The class is never long enough and never starts soon enough, and I just loved this corse and Greg!”

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Stefanie Noronha

5 star rating

“I loved all of the books and how they went in depth on the topics of life and how to take charge and change your habits and live your life to the fullest. I love the group zoom meetings and how you go in-depth and talk with others and hear their t...”

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“I loved all of the books and how they went in depth on the topics of life and how to take charge and change your habits and live your life to the fullest. I love the group zoom meetings and how you go in-depth and talk with others and hear their thoughts and impressions and learn things you may not have seen or noticed during the reading. Overall the best class I have taken.”

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Owen Amakasu

5 star rating

“Mr Denning literally changed my life. Before his class I didn't have the best habits. I would sleep in then I would get behind in school and I was out of shape. During this class I learned that habits are what make or break you. I started running,...”

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“Mr Denning literally changed my life. Before his class I didn't have the best habits. I would sleep in then I would get behind in school and I was out of shape. During this class I learned that habits are what make or break you. I started running, reading scriptures, getting up early and eating healthy everyday. I've lost over 20 lbs, I have all A's and I love reading. This is the guy.”

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Emily Erickson

5 star rating

“All of the books in the class are life changing! They really help you decide who and what you want become as well as helping you see the steps and techniques you can use to get to where you want to be. For anyone who feels like they need to do bet...”

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“All of the books in the class are life changing! They really help you decide who and what you want become as well as helping you see the steps and techniques you can use to get to where you want to be. For anyone who feels like they need to do better or are even just thinking about taking this class, it's a must!!!”

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"Mr. Denning, I can honestly say that you have changed all of our lives."

"I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your awesome class! I love how you direct the discussions we have -- they are very helpful to me in my personal life, not just for school. I really appreciate how you inspire us to be better and lead us to our own conclusions. I love to hear about all the cool places you've been. Thank you for taking time to teach us, even through your travels!"


$599 $399 OR 3 PAYMENTS OF $147

Meet Your Teen Mentor

Who is Mr. Denning?

Greg moved out at the age of 16 and difficult personal challenges forced him to find a way become a REAL man and to build a happy family life.

Discovering the answers to life's biggest questions has led to a life-long pursuit and passion for learning and personal growth. He now shares what he's learned with others and "lives more authentically than anyone I know."

He's married to his best friend and lover, they have seven incredible kids, and he's traveled, adventured, and taught in 50 countries on five continents.

Greg Denning

Coach, Mentor, Teacher & CEO: Chief Enthusiasm Officer