If CEOs ran businesses like the way many parents run their families, their businesses would be bankrupt!

It was when I finally started to look at the way I ran my family like the way I would run my business that everything shifted!

    1. Training, Training, Training -- Your Children Aren't Dogs, But...

    1. Implementing Systems & More

About this course

  • $7.00
  • 2 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Train Your Family Like You Would Employees to Create a Calm, Efficient, and Enjoyable Home Environment

Parents of 7 children, Greg & Rachel Denning show you why you SHOULD take your family culture & systems as seriously as you do your business (or career) and how to train your family so your home life is calm, efficient, and more enjoyable.


Rachel is an (sometimes overly) ambitious mother of seven children who likes to challenge herself to see how much she can accomplish. That currently includes homeschooling, managing a six-figure business, and traveling to 50+ countries with her family, plus planning and leading trips for youth and families.

She loves to read, learn, and travel, and create or source resources for her children to get the best education possible, which most often includes incredible experiences around the globe.

She's married to her best-friend and lover and in March 2023 they celebrated 22 years of marriage on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey.

Rachel Denning

Educator, Writer, Designer & CIO -- Chief Implementation Officer


Greg moved out at the age of 16 and difficult personal challenges forced him to find a way become a REAL man and to build a happy family life.

Discovering the answers to life's biggest questions has led to a life-long pursuit and passion for learning and personal growth. He now shares what he's learned with others and "lives more authentically than anyone I know."

He's married to his best friend and lover, they have seven incredible kids, and he's traveled, adventured, and taught in 50 countries on five continents.

Greg Denning

Coach, Mentor, Teacher & CEO: Chief Enthusiasm Officer