Course curriculum

    1. How to Create Patchwork Income #1

    2. How to create patchwork income #2

    3. Work Less, Make More, Travel with Your Family

    4. How to Design Your Income Around Travel

    5. Why Traveling is Cheaper Than Staying Home

    6. Limiting Beliefs Can Keep You From Your Dream

    7. How to Connect With the Right People

    8. Giving Up the American Dream to Follow Your Own

    9. Don’t wait for all the answers, just go!

    10. Retire Early, Travel the World

    11. The Basics of Travel Hacking

    1. Work hard and follow what you love!

    2. The Exchange Rate for Freedom and Happiness

    3. Suitcase Entrepreneur - Create Your Own Lifestyle Business

    4. The New American Dream - Work Online, Live Internationally

    5. Building Apps and Trading Foreign Currency -- It's Easier Than You Think

    6. I Wrote One Ebook That's Earned $2.5 mil. in Sales -- And Allowed Me to Travel to 60 Countries

    7. Build an Online Business Doing Something You Love

    8. How to Build an Online Business in the 'New Economy'

    9. Why a layoff from work can be the best thing that ever happened

    10. How to fund travel after losing all of your money

    11. Making your business location independent

    12. Falling in Love with living life ( and circling the globe)

    1. Sell Your Crap, Gain Your Freedom, Live Your Dream

    2. Saving for a Dream While Living Paycheck to Paycheck

    1. How to Design Your Life So You Have Options...

    2. How to keep your job and still move abroad

    3. Getting your spouse on board and working remotely

    4. Live Better Working Remotely Abroad

    5. Working as an Au Pair and a Freelance Writer

    6. Quit Your Job and Create Your Own (AND Give Yourself a Raise)

    7. Working as a Traveling Nurse

    1. Kick Your Comfort Zone to Do the Impossible

    2. Limitless Opportunities to Work Abroad

    3. How to Get a Job Abroad

    4. Teaching Abroad & Real Estate Investing

    1. Q&A: Online Business Building; Spouse on Board and More

    2. Q&A: Finding Creative Ways to Fund Travel

    3. Q&A: How to Find Cheap Ways to Travel

    4. Q&A: How to Actually Travel Instead of Just Dreaming About It

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 80 lessons
  • 31.5 hours of video content